[學員筆記] 彈力帶仰臥放腿,髖關節出現「聲音」?可能是髂腰肌太緊。


髖腰肌太過緊繃導致做動作髖關節會出現「聲音」,在《Tight HIp Twisted Core》提到若仰臥放腿動作時,髖關節會發出聲音,這是髂腰肌緊繃的「訊號」。

With a tight iliopsoas, the hip will often pop or snap. This snapping sound can occur when a muscle flips over a bone. If the muscle is contracted, it behaves like a tight rubber band, and when you move, that tight rubber band flicks over a bone in the vicinity with a "snap." These pops can also occur because the hip joint is not fitting well in the socket. This kind of joint clunk often occurs lying down, lowering the legs down to the ground from the leg straight above. 

Because that tight muscle affects the alignment of the hip joint, the hip can shift in the socket and created a clunking noise. This can happen in other activities as well, such as triangle pose or extended hand to big toe poise in yoga.






