

在《Guide to Healing Chronic Pain: A Holistic Approach(暫譯:慢性疼痛治療​​指南:整體方法)》有提到:

Nutritional Myth #5: Caffeine is harmless (營養誤區 #5:咖啡因是無害的) 

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine teachings, caffeine stresses the kidney organ. It also stresses the adrenal glands which produce the flight or fight reaction through neurotransmitters such as adrenaline. When these organs are stressed, it can actually weaken the corresponding muscle groups that are on the same neurological circuit. The psoas muscle, also called the hip flexor, is often unbalanced or weakened due to caffeine-related imbalances in the kidney organ according to holistic chiropractor Dr. Bradley Nelson, created of the Body Code Healing System. Dr. Nelson, who has literally seen thousands of people with back pain over his seventeen years in practice, feels that caffeine is the number one toxic substance contributing to chronic back pain. 

(根據中醫的教義,咖啡因會帶給腎臟壓力。它還會對腎上腺產生壓力,腎上腺會通過腎上腺素等神經遞質產生逃跑或戰鬥反應。當這些器官受到壓力時,它實際上會削弱處於同一神經迴路上的相應肌肉群。 根據 Body Code Healing System 創建的整體脊椎按摩師 Bradley Nelson 博士的說法,腰肌,也稱為髖屈肌,由於腎臟器官中與咖啡因相關的失衡,通常會失衡或減弱。 尼爾森醫生在其 17 年的執業生涯中親眼目睹了成千上萬的背痛患者,他認為咖啡因是導致慢性背痛的頭號有毒物質。)



